First aid guidelines for Burns: Educational approach & Adaptation
- Shivangi Saha
- Amiteshwar Singh
- Maneesh Singhal
Burn injuries are among the most debilitating of all injuries, and even today are a burning public health concern across the world. The importance of covering this topic in first aid education is underscored by the fact that accurate and timely first aid can result in better burn victim survival rates and improved functional recovery.
The updated First Aid, Resuscitation and Education Guidelines of the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent (IFRC, 2020) reflect the evidence regarding specific first aid clinical actions and pair the evidence with first aid education. This approach was designed so that users of the Guidelines may easily apply them through adaptation to relevant learner contexts, varying levels of resources and medical care, and localized implementation strategies.
Educators should adapt the content to the learner context because the risk factors for burn vary across age groups, cultures, geographical regions, and work environments, etc. To reduce the incidence of burn injuries, prevention is truly the key. Then comes early recognition and timely response in the form of cooling with running water, to reduce burn morbidity and mortality.
Burn first aid education is one of the most difficult to adapt and propagate because the performance of the first aid provider is not merely determined by lack of knowledge or skills, but rather is defined by a complex interplay of decisions and actions affected by cultural and motivational barriers. There will inevitably be significant gaps in the evidence base, so educators must maintain a principled approach to cover all types of burns. They should be able to recognize life-threatening signs be smart in decision making for first aid and referral.
Keywords: burns, first aid education, guidelines
How to Cite:
Saha, S., Singh, A. & Singhal, M., (2022) “First aid guidelines for Burns: Educational approach & Adaptation”, International Journal of First Aid Education 5(1), 21-28. doi:
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