Call for papers from Emerging Scholars

Posted by Emily Oliver on 2024-04-04

The International Journal of First Aid Education (IJFAE) invites manuscripts from Emerging Scholars, researchers, academics, or first aid providers who are in the early stages of their careers and are beginning to establish themselves within the field of study related to first aid (including psychological first aid) and first aid education.

The IJFAE considers Emerging Scholars to include undergraduate and graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, junior faculty members (1-3 years of teaching experience), and first aid providers who are actively engaged in scholarly activities involving first aid, psychological first aid, and first aid education, such as conducting research, publishing papers, presenting at conferences, and contributing to their community (local, national, and internationally). Emerging scholars should have fewer than 5 published manuscripts.

Emerging Scholars will be offered an extra layer of support from our editorial team, who can provide the following:

●        Specific guidance on expectations for a manuscript

●        Initial feedback on a paper or concept

●        Feedback on an initial manuscript draft before submission

The IJFAE accepts various manuscripts, including qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods research, views from the field, short communications such as conference abstracts, and letters to the Editor.

For Emerging Scholars planning original research or looking to try out critical review techniques, the IJFAE encourages the following manuscripts:

●        Critical Appraisal Paper (CAP) concise summary or analysis of a single research study or paper.

●        Critically Appraised Topic manuscript (CAT) - concise manuscripts offering a condensed overview of existing evidence about a specific inquiry.

Please see the IJFAE’s Emerging Scholars website for more information.

About the Journal

The International Journal of First Aid Education is a fully open-access journal (free to readers and authors) that publishes peer-reviewed articles to advance the knowledge and practices of those involved in first aid and first aid education. Through our publications and first aid community, we aim to improve and increase the action taken to help people in health emergencies through high-quality education, evidence-based medical application, and strong social and public policy to build resilience.

Please review the Authors’ Guide ( for instructions on preparing manuscripts. All submissions will undergo the regular International Journal of First Aid Education peer-review process; therefore, acceptance is not guaranteed.

Please direct questions to the Editorial Team:


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