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Chain of Survival Behaviors

The IJFAE dynamic logo has been designed as the merging of the five domains of the ‘Chain of Survival Behavior’ to form a union. The domains are:

  • Prevent and prepare - axiomatic to the need for alertness to risks and hazards
  • Early recognition – seeing and understanding a situation as one which requires intervention
  • First aid – application of relevant skills and behavior
  • Access help – response to recognition that the situation requires specialist help
  • Self-recovery/Early medical care – appropriate to the situation, to reduce harm and suffering as fast as possible.

This chain represents the foundation of IJFAE, and its application depends on the provision of relevant, timely, accessible and appealing education for the lay responder which results in the learner being confident and willing to respond in a medical emergency. It is our intention that all contributions to this journal should align to this chain, or to one or more of its domains. Authors should identify on submission which part or parts of the chain reflect the main purpose of their study or narrative.

Manuscripts may focus on one or multiple aspects of the Chain of Survival Behaviors: Planning & Preparing; Early Recognition; First Aid Skills/ Accessing Advance Care; Self-recovery/ Rehabilitation by non-professionals (IFRC, 2016. First aid education is inclusive of non-certified (public), lay certified, and professional responders allowing for a diversity of research to inform this interdisciplinary field.