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Editorial Team



Editor in Chief

Jeffrey Pellegrino, University of Akron (Ohio), United States

Senior Editor

Emily Oliver, UK Research and Innovation, United Kingdom

Editorial Board

Pascal Cassan, Global First Aid Reference Centre, IFRC, France

Nathan Charlton, University of Virginia, United States

Marius Dumitru, Romanian Red Cross and Bucharest-Ilfov Ambulance Service, Romania

Ibrahim El-Gehani, IslamicCommittee of the International Crescent and University of Benghazi, Libya

Kate Horner, Newcastle College University Centre, United Kingdom

Filip Jaśkiewicz, Medical University of Lodz, Poland

Shawn McLarenEmergent BioSolutions, Canada

Auwal Muhammad, Emergency services consultant, Nigeria

Joanna Muise, Canadian Red Cross, Canada

Katie Pavoni, St George's University of London, United Kingdom

Amita Sudhir, University of Virginia, United States

Thomas Wilp, International Committee of the Red Cross, Ukraine

Marcus Yat Hei Lo, Prince of Wales Hospital, Hong Kong

Associate Editor

David C Berry, Saginaw Valley State University, United States

Assistant Editors


Daniel Cursio, Canadian Red Cross and McGill University, Canada

Tina van Duijn, University of Otago, New Zealand & Swiss Lifesaving Foundation, Switzerland

Riley Huntley, Royal Life Saving Society, Canada

Lyle Karasiuk, Parkland Ambulance, Canada

Marly Machado, Federal University of Paraná, Brazil

Željko Malić, Slovenian Red Cross Society, Slovenia

Malini Nair, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University, Japan

Cees van Romburgh, The Netherlands Red Cross, Netherlands

Blandonn Smith, Remote, Offshore and Austere Medical Consultant, United States

Emmanuel Williams-Adomeh, Nigerian Red Cross Society, Nigeria

Stephen Yeung Chi Yeung, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Hong Kong




The International Journal of First Aid Education seeks motivated volunteers to serve as peer reviewers. 

If you are interested in applying to join our team of peer reviewers, please get in touch by emailing  While we are not currently looking for new Editorial Board members, we would be pleased to hear from you for future recruitment rounds.  We also encourage you register as a peer reviewer.