Volume 7 • Issue 1 • 2024


Do-It-Yourself Devices for Training CPR in Laypeople: A Scoping Review

Tina van Duijn, Nagwa Yehya Ahmed Sabrah and Jeffrey Pellegrino

2024-04-03 Volume 7 • Issue 1 • 2024

Replication Study of “Visual Fixation on the Thorax Predicts Bystander Breathing Detection in Simulated Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest”

Marco Pedrotti, Marc Stanek, Louis Gelin and Philippe Terrier

2024-04-03 Volume 7 • Issue 1 • 2024

Evaluation of a 90-minute school-based resuscitation course with 340 middle school students – a multicenter intervention study

Josephina Kehlert, Katja Icke, Ralf Sick, Carsten Cüppers, Ilknur Ergec, Malte Bödeker, Anne Berghöfer, Philipp Humbsch and Thomas Keil

2024-04-03 Volume 7 • Issue 1 • 2024

Cochrane Corner

Cochrane Corner: how effective are interventions for reducing symptoms and signs resulting from jellyfish stings?

Tine D'aes, Jorien Laermans, Emmy De Buck, Dr. David Szpilman, João Claudio Campos Pereira and Vidal Haddad Junior

2024-09-06 Volume 7 • Issue 1 • 2024

Letters to the Editor and Other Short Communications

Knee versus CPR posture for Life-Threatening Bleeding Control by School Aged Children

Benjamin Charlton, Nathan Charlton, Jennifer Charlton and Dr Marcus Lo

2024-08-29 Volume 7 • Issue 1 • 2024